
Alright, so.

Okay readers (I like pretending anyone actually reads this) - no new posts this week about whatever douche bag or weirdo has made his way into my midst.

Basically, here are some reasons why:
  • I skipped class Wednesday night and Thursday morning because I wasn't feeling well.
  • I have three group projects that will be coming to fruition in the next five weeks, and I will be an extremely busy girl for a bit.
  • I also have graduation to contend with in about five weeks.
  • Also, I was apparently wrong about not feeling well. Sunday afternoon I caught a stomach virus and was up sick til about four in the morning. Yeah, don't do ab/core workouts - just get really, violently ill.
  • As a result, I am now behind schedule on a few projects. It's super.
  • Lastly, I'm running a little low on ammo - although I do for-sure have two other absurd experiences to chronicle - just not right this second. But other than that, I may have to go on a date soon just so I have something to write about.
And that has pretty much been my week thus far. With a few exceptions, I may be taking a short hiatus - just depending on when I can get around to certain things. Don't fret, though - I haven't given up on this recent burst of self-indulgence yet.


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