
The boy next door - part 2.

Okay, you remember the last story, right? About the guy who lived across from me, that I kind-of-almost-but-not-really-dated-but-mostly-just-got-pseudo-stalked-by?

He brought his Valentine's date into the restaurant I worked at. He was in the industry himself, so he had to know I'd be working - Valentine's is like Black Friday in the restaurant business. Or, I don't know, maybe his girlfriend just really liked mediocre chain Italian food.

I wound up being the person to bring the entrees to their table. When we made eye contact, he gave me this big, smug grin... I guess I was supposed to realize how badly I missed out by not being more receptive to his Static Cling Technique. I guess I was supposed to be upset, or offended.

Mostly I was just upset because I couldn't remember his name. I'm usually pretty good with names, dammit!


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