
Feminist ethics? Right...

So I'm in line for the vending machine when the kid in front of me starts having trouble getting it to take his dollar bill. Not thinking about it, I joke, "It doesn't like you!" as he motions for me to go ahead while he tries to get his situation, uh, straightened out.

So I step up to put my crisp, beautiful dollar in, and the machine takes it, no problem. But as I watch the coils spin for my Rice Krispy Treat, suddenly my breakfast gets stuck. "Aw, crap! It's because I made fun of you!"

So I stare longingly at it. I start making a few half-assed attempts to shake the machine. I try to look as helpless as possible... until a much larger gentlemen stops, shakes it loose, and then walks away without saying a word.

Then, of course, I went to my class... on feminist ethics.

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